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 Kathleen Meek: I started Randy’s Wishing Well in honor of my late husband Randy Ross Meek.

He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2004, I sought help right away knowing and hearing such great things about well-known cancer organizations, they put on these amazing walks and events to raise funds to help cancer stricken individuals.

I had no doubt that my husband would be in good hands and we would tackle this together with the help of these amazing organizations. After the first call to the cancer society, I received a list of OTHER cancer facility to call for help. I began to call from the list, I called some very well known institutions and kept getting referred to other institutions and so on and so on.  I had exhausted all avenues, my list was crossed off top to bottom. There was one and only one positive response that I did receive, it was from a church organization. I heard over the phone “yes we can help”. The man on the line said “I can give you like 50 bucks maybe”. I laid down the phone. I knew I was alone. The downhill spiral began.  

I was forced to stay home to take care of Randy, how do I pay bills? What about feeding our three children? Gas to get him to his doctors, his pills? His supplies? What do I do?  We survived, we had minimal food, heat, cooling, and water. I did everything I could to just keep us afloat. I shielded all I could from our children and my husband, they all had enough to deal with, I wasn’t about to let them know what was really going on. Randy passed in 2008, with minimal treatment. Afterwards I then vowed if I can find a way I will never let this happen to others, I would help anyone I possibly could with whatever they need. I will not raise money for research, nor for walks or runs or luncheons. These events DO NOT help you with living through the dying. Things like general expenses, food, medical bills, medicines, tests, Doctors ect. The evidence is clear if you research and check the facts about the percentage of monies raised that actually goes to help you directly. The patient is alive now, we need help now, not in research 20 years from now. There has been so much money donated and where does it go? With Randy’s Wishing Well we will be a resource for hospitals churches any entity that knows of an individual that has exhausted all life lines, they will be referred to us. Any and all funds I raise will go directly to the individuals in need.

Randy’s Wishing Well is here to help you LIVE the life you have now.

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